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The website as knowledge bank for an entire industry

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Opinions and knowledge in focus

F&P's website works as an information and knowledge bank for F&P's many communication channels and is structured around the various opinion- and knowledge areas. Each area is organised so that the various user groups have easy access to an overview of the subject, as well as the latest knowledge in the area and dialogue with F&P's knowledge workers.

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Accessible and welcoming

Based on F&P's new visual identity, Charlie Tango designed a digital experience that appears elegant and simple and makes the large amounts of, sometimes heavy, information manageable, easily accessible and inviting to the user.

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User-centered information

The website must answer the questions of the various target groups and bring F&P's extensive knowledge and areas of interest into play. This is done with a combination of simple, user-centred and updated information pages, links to other relevant knowledge and easy opportunities for dialogue with the relevant knowledge workers.